Shark Cage Diving in Cape Town - Great White Shark Diving Around Gansbaai

Shark cage diving has become an experience for tourists and tourists alike in
Cape Town and its surrounds. With the blending of cool Atlantic Ocean and the
Indian Ocean across the Southern Cape Coast, this setting gives a rich diversity
of sea animals. Southern Right Whales, Cape Fur Seals, African Penguins and
Great White Sharks are some of the sea life that make the Cape Coast their own
One among the planet's most populated White Shark are as is at the waters
surrounding Dyer Island. A great deal of research is conducted on sharks in this
location, helping scientists along with the general people understand these
creatures better. Sharks have been shown to be inquisitive and very intelligent
creatures, sometimes lifting their heads above the top to gaze at other or prey
About the Great White Shark
The Great White Shark is certainly regarded as the king of the ocean and the
creature from the sea. With a jaw and teeth or multiple rows it may crack metal
the fantastic White has made a name for it self because being a fearsome
predator, sites.
Amazing White Sharks feeds off bass, whale carcasses, dolphins, seals,
porpoises and sharks. Penguins could be assaulted but sharks don't eat them
broadly speaking. In South Africa, the Great Whites from the Cape Coast breaches
launch into the atmosphere and then the top layer of the water, swimming in such
rate to startle their prey that they all break the outside. That really is seen
over the Cape Coast and is still a spectacular sight to see.
One of the greatest ways to find a shark in its natural habitat is to get
involved in shark shark cage dive. Certainly one of the greatest places to try so
is in Gansbaai, South Africa.
The cage used is generally a one and you will also be attached to the boat
the entire period that people are diving. The cage can't be broken and also the
sharks don't try to get inside it. It is advisable to book a couple of days in
advance for a shark diving visit to avoid the disappointment of the charter
being fully reserved. Weather is also an important element to think about
therefore booking a few days before a planned trip allows divers according to
weather reports to get problems that are suitable as seas may mean lack of
All equipment is provided by the charter company, such as wetsuits for
example. It is a fantastic idea to make sure that the charter is an certified
shark cage diving operator. Despite the fact that the experience is a safe one,
utilizing a charter who is not documented may mean sub-standard equipment making
the activity dangerous. Also, UN registered charters feed the sharks and create
faculties in which sharks to associate humans using food. This does not help to
ease the fear of shark attacks in humans. Registered charters have methods of
feeding the sharks to prevent them from ramming the cage as well as other
unfavourable behaviours.
Things to Expect
A typical shark cage dive will begin with a sail ship while the sun begins to
grow leaving the coast, at dawn. This could be actually the feeding period for
Great White Sharks and a chemical and other proteins has been thrown into the
water to attract the sharks. After a short safety briefing as soon as a shark
was spotted, a cage is lowered into the water from the face of the boat.
Subsequent to the cage is ready and also the passengers desperate to lower themselves in the cage are at wetsuits and have their own gear on properly, the exhilarating experience can begin.